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Why Kids Sometimes Slip on Etiquette: Unraveling the Mystery Behind Forgotten Manners and Tips

In a world driven by technology and fast-paced lifestyles, it’s not uncommon to witness a decline in traditional values, and one area where this is particularly evident is in the basic manners of today’s children. Parents and educators often find themselves wondering why kids sometimes slip on etiquette, forgetting the basic social manners that were once considered fundamental.

In this blog, we will discuss the reasons behind this mystery and explore ways to nurture good manners in the younger generation.

The Impact of Modern Lifestyle on Manners:
In the age of smartphones and constant connectivity, children are exposed to a digital world that often takes precedence over face-to-face interactions. The digitalised nature of modern life may contribute to a lack of emphasis on traditional etiquette, as families juggle multiple responsibilities, leaving limited time for focused manners education.
As role models, parents play a pivotal role in shaping their children’s behavior. However, with busy schedules, it becomes challenging for families to sit down and engage in quality time that fosters the development of good manners. This shift in priorities may lead to a decline in the importance placed on traditional social graces.

Educational Approaches and Their Impact:
Schools, too, play a significant role in shaping a child’s social behavior. However, the pressure to cover academic curricula and standardized testing can sometimes overshadow the importance of teaching manners in the classroom. As a result, children may not receive adequate reinforcement of etiquette principles during their formative years.
At Kookaburra, we follow a well-rounded kindergarten curriculum to enhance overall well-being filled with gratitude and critical life skills. This included: Introducing the 3 golden words through role play, storytelling, and games. Additionally, various humble etiquettes are also encouraged in our day-to-day activities making it an integral part of their personality.

The Rise of Digital Communication:
The prevalence of digital communication has altered the way children interact with one another. Text messages, emojis, and social media platforms have become primary channels for communication, often overshadowing the nuances of face-to-face conversations. This shift can contribute to a lack of awareness regarding traditional manners, as the immediacy of digital communication doesn’t allow for the same level of thought and consideration.
We believe that keeping them away completely from digital media till a certain responsible age is a good idea, allowing them to be non-adulterated from nature and its unexplored beauties.

Strategies to Instill Good Manners in Children:

1. Lead by Example:
“The hardest job kids face today is learning good manners without seeing any.” – Fred Astaire
Parents and educators should model good manners consistently. Children are more likely to adopt polite behavior when they witness it in their role models.

2. Structured Family Time:
Prioritize family time, especially during meals, as an opportunity to reinforce manners. Encourage open conversations and teach children the art of listening and responding respectfully.

3. Balance Digital and Face-to-Face Interaction:
While digital communication is inevitable, it’s crucial to emphasize the importance of face-to-face interactions. Encourage children to engage in real conversations, where they can practice active listening and articulate their thoughts with respect.

4. Choose KOOKABURRA, a playschool that emphasizes basic manners and life skills:
Schools can play a pivotal role in integrating etiquette education into the curriculum, dedicating time to teaching social skills, proper communication, and respect for others. This can be achieved through interactive activities and workshops.

Last words: 

In unraveling the mystery behind the occasional slip in kids’ etiquette, it becomes evident that a combination of societal changes and educational priorities has contributed to this phenomenon. By recognizing these factors and implementing proactive strategies, parents and educators can work together to instill and reinforce good manners in the younger generation. They can additionally, enhance learning through senses: tactile, auditory, and visual learners to ensure all the little learners in the room take back home something. 

Remember, good manners are not just about following a set of rules; they are about fostering positive and respectful interactions with others, which can significantly contribute to personal and professional success.